Using AI to find API bugs

Using AI is a great way to accelerate the discovery of vulnerabilities in an API. There are now many different ways of integrating AI into your game. One of my favorite is using Postman’s Postbot feature. Postbot writes full test scripts from a simple AI prompt. Use this in conjunction with Postman’s collection runner...

What is OAuth 2.0?

As I was progressing along my API hacking learning path, OAuth 2.0 kept coming back as something I would have to get my head around at some point. Recently, I was testing an API in the scope of a Vulnerability Disclosure Program on Bugcrowd and OAuth was the authorization mechanism the API was using....

Proxy Postman into Burp Suite

Here is a quick and easy tip on how to get the two most useful API hacking tools to work together: Postman and Burp Suite. Suppose you have a list of API endpoints stored in a collection in Postman. Each of these endpoints has an http method, a URL, a list of request headers...

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